
20 PTWW-Provided Benefits for Your Chapter

PrimeTimers® Worldwide membership provides over 20 important benefits to every PTWW Chapter, and most all of these benefits are provided to you and your Chapter at no additional cost.

Many of these benefits are part of the Chapter Care we provide that can help you increase membership, keep your leadership informed, supported and resilient, along with providing members with a variety of fun and engaging activities and events.

Let us know which of these free benefits your Chapter is currently using, and which ones your Chapter could or should be using:

    1. Consultation, development and basic maintenance of a PTWW-created Chapter Website.  Note: The Chapter website benefit does not include required annual ICANN domain-registration and “website privacy” fees (~$36.99/year)
    2. A PTWW Board-appointed Regional Chapter Care Rep to help address a wide range of Chapter-related questions and needs and keep you informed.
    3. A PTWW Website that highlights the location and important contact information for your Chapter, helping you to significantly increase your Chapter’s visibility and membership.
    4. Secure Cloud back-up storage to help protect your important Chapter-related records.
    5. Online access to the latest Chapter-focused news, with practical and useful information for your Chapter and members (and Independent Members).
    6. Best-practices assistance and guidance as needed if your Chapter faces significant challenges, including virtual and/or in-person visits by a WW Rep or other qualified Board Member.
    7. Assistance and advice on developing active and engaging activities and events that will meet the needs of you current Chapter members and help to recruit new ones.
    8. Assistance and advice on ways to optimize your Chapter’s webpage to recruit more members.
    9. Technical assistance for creating and maintaining a Facebook presence for your Chapter.
    10. Assistance and advice on cost-effective ways to increase your Chapter’s visibility and build a diverse membership, including collaborating with other LGBT and allied organizations.
    11. Assistance and advice for creating and improving your Chapter’s newsletters, brochure, business card and new Chapter logo.
    12. Assistance and advice on ways to recruit and retain new, diverse and qualified Chapter Leaders and members.
    13. Assistance and advice on financial, insurance, fundraising and incorporation matters for your Chapter
    14. Virtual or In-Person visits (including a personalized Chapter Anniversary Certificate) for all Chapters celebrating significant Chapter Anniversaries
    15. Advice and assistance in hosting and promoting Regional Chapter Gatherings, with a focus on bringing different Chapters and their members together for friendship and fun activities.
    16. Technical and in-person assistance for developing and establishing new PrimeTimers® Chapters near you.
    17. Any Member of your Chapter in good standing who visits any other Chapter can participate in that Chapter’s non-restricted activities, providing that the visitation and participation guidelines of that Chapter are honored.

In addition, PTWW also sponsors, promotes and/or supports these pay-to-attend events and activities for all Chapters and their Members:

18. A major biennial PrimeTimers® Worldwide Convention, featuring a wide range of Chapter-focused and personal development workshops, live entertainment, local trips and fun activities, with plenty of opportunities for socializing with fellow conventioneers from around the world.

19. Regional PrimeTimers® Gatherings, bringing Chapters and their members together.

20.  Fun and affordable PTWW-sponsored Cruises and Travel opportunities created just for PrimeTimers® members, as fundraising events to support the chapter visitation program.

So, keep in touch and let us know of any additional ways that PTWW can help your Chapter and membership grow and thrive.


Charles Koehler President / Chapter Care Coordinator PrimeTimers® Worldwide