April 22, 2022
written by DeLon Gobeli, Director of Special Events and edited by Gary Dougan, Board Member, PrimeTimers® of the Desert
Yes, the PrimeTimers® of the Desert 14th annual bus trip to Laughlin, Nevada did occur after much deliberation over COVID-19. The trip was attended by 45 PTOD members. The 2020 trip with 55 participants was canceled 30 days prior to departure. The 2021 trip never happened. This year, travelers gathered by 7:30 AM, and were welcomed by our President, Alex Meyer. We were provided a mini breakfast sponsored by Marty of Aspen Mills Bakery. We were also provided a bottle of water, compliments of Corporate Charter, a Laughlin Fun Book and one complimentary raffle ticket for drawings. Our destination was the Aquarius Casino Resort in Laughlin. The trip was meant to be fun, relaxing, enjoyable and to get better acquainted with fellow PTOD members. As the ride began, the volunteers distributed snacks, Jason’s famous brownies, Richard’s delicious home-made beef jerky and brownies. Bingo was played with the winner receiving cash from the sale of cards for $1 each. DVDs were played for amusement. Raffles were done through shared cash winnings, gift cards and other gifts donated or purchased for this trip. The onboard birthday boys: Jim Jensen, Rick Shaffer, Rod Rasch-Claussen and Charlie Priest were appropriately celebrated.
At 5 PM, after everyone got settled into their room, many met at the Gourmet Lounge next door at the Don Laughlin Riverside Casino for a time of socializing and sharing stories of the day. As the socializing ended, all went to find a restaurant, gamble, or just enjoy the time prior to turning in for the night.
On Tuesday, April 5, twenty-one people hopped on the bus for a two-hour ride to the Fremont Street Viva Vision Experience in downtown Las Vegas. On Wednesday, April 6, we scrapped our original planned trip to Oatman, AZ, an old mining town known for its mules running wild on old Route 66, gun fight at high noon, shops, ice cream and other eating places. Strong winds in the area made this trip impossible. Instead, the group proceeded to Lake Havasu City, AZ, home of the London Bridge, brought here years ago stone by stone from London. After returning from that day’s activity, we enjoyed casino activities, music drinks and each other. On Thursday, April 7, 2022, day four, all were aboard at 10 AM. The wind had quieted down from the previous day and back to Palm Springs we went, arriving at about 3:15 PM. Organizers were delighted to hear the many positive comments and gratitude shown as the 14th annual PTOD Laughlin Trip came to a close.
Thanks to the PrimeTimers® of the Desert Board of Directors and membership for their support and allowing such an enjoyable and affordable event. Great Big Thanks to Richard Moberly, Michael Fletcher, Jim Jensen, Curtis Channell, Jim O’Neill, Jason Boone and Alex Meyer, President of PTOD and DeLon Gobeli, for all their work making this trip possible. Come join us next year!

All photos courtesy of PrimeTimers® of the Desert