History and Who We Are

PrimeTimers® Worldwide are older adults (21+ years of age) who self-identify as gay, bisexual or transgender men. 

No single definition can describe PrimeTimers® Worldwide, as they come from all walks of life. Members of PrimeTimers® Worldwide are fathers and caregivers. They are businessmen and entrepreneurs. They are workers and they are retired. Some are always on the go, and some enjoy the quiet company of others at home. 

PrimeTimers® Worldwide involve themselves in their community with volunteerism, gay issues, arts, entertainment, medical issues, support groups and every other facet of healthy living. 

But one thing is true of all PrimeTimers® Worldwide: they enjoy the opportunities, support, camaraderie and friendships that develop with other PrimeTimers® throughout the world.

Vision Statement

A world that accepts and celebrates all human diversity.


Bringing together mature gay and bisexual men for friendship, personal growth, activities, and support.

Prime Timer Values

The right for all people to live authentically and with dignity.

Personal enrichment through service to others.

Families of choice as well as families of origin.

Healthy aging through supportive relationships.

Healthy physical, emotional and sexual living.

The blending of all generations.

Personal growth through education and mentoring.

Collaboration with other organizations that share our core values.


The History and Founding by Woody Baldwin

PrimeTimers® Worldwide was founded in 1987 by a retired professor, Woody Baldwin. He felt a wide gap existed in today’s society which caters almost exclusively to youth.  Woody began the Boston Chapter by placing ads in local newspapers and soliciting his many friends. He expected only a small handful of men to attend that first meeting and was surprised when over 40 showed up.  The attendance at the first meeting indicated to Woody that a need existed for social and cultural organizations to aid and support the aging gay and bisexual man.  Now this organization has grown to 70+ chapters in Canada and US, with worldwide individual or Independent  members located in Australia, Canada, Denmark, Germany, Israel, and United States.

Download and read the biography of Woody Baldwin

PrimeTimers® Worldwide Benefits

Prime Times is the PrimeTimers® Worldwide official bi-monthly e-newsletter which is forwarded to each chapter for local emailing and distribution to its members.  Each local chapter maintains its own mailing list, so PrimeTimers® Worldwide leadership will never directly email any local member.  The exception is Independent Members may receive the newsletter emailed directly from the Chair of the Independent Chapter.  If you did not receive an emailed copy of Prime Times newsletter, contact your local chapter leadership.

The Biennial  PrimeTimers® Worldwide Convention is held in odd-numbered years allowing our members to gather to socialize, attend workshops geared towards PrimeTimers® Worldwide, and conduct business of the organization.  Previous conventions have been in Provincetown MA; Vancouver BC; Dallas TX, Palm Springs CA,  Washington DC, Houston TX, Orlando FL, Reno NV, Toronto ON, Columbus OH, Las Vegas NV, Chicago IL, San Antonio TX, and Chattanooga TN.    Our 2023 Convention host city was St. Petersburg FL and 2025 will be hosted by Metro Omaha PrimeTimers®.  

Regional and multi-chapter events are planned as 1-4-day social and education activities.  Registration is open to all local and Independent PrimeTimers® members.   Cities hosting past multi-chapter and regional events have included: Provincetown/Boston MA, Columbia MO, Denver CO, Chicago IL, Myrtle Beach SC, Las Vegas NV,  Oklahoma City OK, Port Aransas TX, and more.